Archiwum miesiąca Sierpień 2015
Przeglądasz archiwum bloga "WsCreationS" z miesiąca Sierpień, 2015.
Przeglądasz archiwum bloga "WsCreationS" z miesiąca Sierpień, 2015.
The best tool does not exits, it depend on what you need. Speed durability ? Pickaxe sure ? Have you check the hammer ?
You can find a lot of information on tinker wiki
[–]autowikiabot 10 punktów 1 rok temu
Material Stats:
When crafting tools in Tinkers’ Construct, the material you make each part out of changes the final tool’s stats.
The head of the tool determines the Durability, Mining Level, Mining Speed, and Base Attack Value.
The handle (or rod) of the tool determines the Handle Modifier. This is multiplied by the Base Durability of the head to determine the final Durability of your tool.
The binding of the tool applies its Material Ability, but has no effect on the other stats of the tool.
An example pickaxe:
Head made of iron
Handle made of Stone
Binding made of paper
Head made of iron
Handle made of Stone
Binding made of paper
Your end tool would have a Durability of 125 (250 Iron durability * 0.5 modifier of stone rod), Mining Level of 2, and a Speed of 6 (all determined by the Iron head), and 3 special abilities:
Stonebound 1 (from the Stone handle)
Stonebound 1 (from the Stone handle)
Reinforced 1 (from the Iron head)
Reinforced 1 (from the Iron head)
Writable 1 (from the Paper binding)
Writable 1 (from the Paper binding)
The following is a table of each material and its stats for a given tool part:
The aforementioned abilities (Reinforced, Stonebound, etc.) do as follows:
Reinforced: 10% chance per level of not using durability.
Stonebound: The tool mines faster as it wears out, but does less damage.
Jagged: The tool does more damage as it wears out, but mines slower.
Writable: One extra modifier per piece.
Thaumic: One extra modifier for using a single piece, two extra for using at least 3 pieces or by making in entirely from thaumium in the event the tool you make has 2 components (i.e. a shovel or a hatchet).
Piece 1. Cobblestone Head (so you can repair it with compressed cobble).
Feel free to change this to whatever. I’m a cheapass when it comes to repair mats.
Piece 2. Obsidian Plate (Reinforced 3)
Piece 3. Paper Plate (+1 modifier)
Piece 4. Thaumium Handle (+1 modifier)
diamond + gold block (+1 modifier)
tier 2 golden apple + diamond block (+1 modifier)
That’s 7 modifiers total.
1. Lava Crystal for Auto-Smelt
2. Lapis Lazuli for Fortune (450 Total, or just mine until it maxes itself)
3. Diamond (if using cobblestone head)
4,5,6,7. Redsone (200 total.)
Fortune actually works on items dropped by auto-smelt. That means if you mine an ore, say Iron Ore, it gets smelted into an Iron Ingot and then run through fortune. Fortune 3 = 0-3 additional items. That means every smeltable ore you mine drops 1-4 ingots which is an average of 2.5 and hence actually more efficient than a smeltery.
Take this baby to the nether for an unbelievable amount of nether bricks. Also drops lots of smooth stone. Do the same to an Excavator and take it to a desert for lots of glass. I think you can use this on a Lumber Axe for a lot of charcoal as well.